Sunday, January 26, 2020

Genre Research: Donnie Darko


-Film synopsis-


"During the presidential election of 1988, a teenager named Donnie Darko sleepwalks out of his house one night and sees a giant, demonic-looking rabbit named Frank, who tells him the world will end in 28 days. When Donnie returns home, he finds that a jet engine has crashed into his bedroom. Is Donnie living in a parallel universe, is he suffering from mental illness - or will the world really end?"


Costumes- Bunny costume, 1980's clothing, and school uniforms.
Lighting- Usually Dim and Dark lighting to express depth with lots of shadows as well revealing the sub-genre may be a horror 
Acting style- more mannered “classical” then intense and psychologically driven but more “natural with a good flow throughout.
Props- Bunny Mask

Setting-  1988 in Middlesex, Virginia
Camera Angles- High angle, Medium angle, Medium closeup,
Camera Movement- Tracking, Panoramic,
Eerie sound effects made by the bunny, frank. Low tempo music. Both diegetic and non-diegetic sound.

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