Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Genre Research- Mystery


According to "The mystery genre is a genre of fiction that follows a crime (like a murder or a disappearance) from the moment it is committed to the moment it is solved."

CLAPS- Costume Lighting Actors Props Setting

Mystery films

  • Costumes in mystery movies are usually dark and contain mute colors, dresses are usually distressed. Both genders typically wear mute colors and black, similar to psychological thrillers.
  • Lighting similar to thrillers, typically dark or not very saturated, I think this is because the movies want to pay close attention to detail on the storyline rather than something beautiful or pretty. 
  • Acting in mystery films tends to seem extremely real which of course, is incredibly important, seriousness and aggression is something I love seeing in .
  • Props in mystery films sometimes have an important back story. Props vary but most are weapons, drugs, and technology like phones.
  • The setting is usually based in homes,  rural areas, and commonly involve therapy type settings. The protagonist is usually having to deal with an issue or find a way out much like thrillers.

CAMSCamera Angle Movement Sound

(Similar to thriller)
  • Common angles in Mystery films are, medium close ups, over the shoulder shots, close up shots usually on the actor's face or important props, full body shot, long shots, low angle shots.
  • Common camera movement tracking shots, panning shots, rack focus, and zoom in.
  • Common sound in mystery; mystery tends to have a lot of dialogue, with not as many pauses or eerie moments. We don't hear much music playing from scene to scene unless it's in a prominent location that builds the plot and storyline
Vivarium. Shutter Island, and The Nice Guys are all mystery films that go about mystery in a different and interesting way, for example while Vivarium is more serious, frightening, and thrilling, The Nice guys is funny, action pact, and light hearted.

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