Thursday, November 7, 2019

Commercial Blog

For the past week, I've been editing on my phone. I attempted using pinnacle studios. When I got into the website it was acting extremely blotchy and weird. My partner Lucas and I haven't been able to edit at school but rather editing at home. I've been using an app called Cute cut pro in order to get the commercial to where I want it to be. At first I added all the footage via google photos. I previously put all the footage into google photos on a school computer while dumping.  I have google photos on my phone so I went to the time where we uploaded the footage on to it. I exported it onto cute cut pro, my editing software.  It took about two minutes to import all the footage onto the editing software. Then I began to place the videos into the order I wanted to while maintaining the storyboards format.

I started cutting the clips down so that the commercial did not have any extra footage it didn't need to have. I tried cutting the video down to transition along with the song which is Pride by Kendrick Lamar. The song is a hip hop and psychedelic continuous loop with a really good beat. Every time the beat of the drums goes off or any other effects are heard in the song there will be a jump cut going to a new shoot. The commercial its self is more of a montage of vans products. We start off at the rails doing a panoramic shot leading to all the shirts placed on it. The pan shot moves from left to right.
Then we go to a zoom-in shot of the Vans on top of stairs. Afterwords a zoom into a vans logo shirt with an older vintage theme to it. Then a shot of Lucas throwing up some of the shirts from a higher angle that leads to another zoomed-in shot.

The two shots afterwords featured were close up shots of vans logos. Multiple wide shots and more jump cuts after that there is a medium shot. The medium shot is me sitting down on my skateboard in front of this artwork in front of the school.  Lucas zoomed into the box logo which said "vans" on it so we got a close up of that as well. We managed to get more shots like a wide-angle shot of the school and a close up on a "no skateboarding sign" located at the bus loop. We captured a medium close up of myself on the flying L. Then our very final shot was myself skating across the screen. When I get to the middle of the screen the vans logo shows up on the screen with a "wipe in" transition that I reversed for it to flip from one side to the other while I'm passing through it to make it look as if I'm "wiping" it onto the screen. Then the logo continues to stay on the screen for about three to seconds. The commercial is a total of twenty-five seconds and even though we didn't completely stick to the storyboard we created something we both enjoyed. While still executing a couple of shots we wanted to in the storyboard.

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