So far I haven't filmed it.
Friday I sadly forgot to check out a camera.
I also was able to stay after school and hang out with the cast.
Luckily the voice of "announcer", Paola will be over to do some voice recordings and hang-out with me Wednesday. On Friday my friends Christina, Paola, and I went to go eat at this really good grilled cheese place nearby school. We ate there and then went to our other friend's house. Darrow wasn’t expecting us but we thought it would be funny to see his reaction plus he wasn't doing anything important so we dropped by. We had fun playing with his 150$ Star Wars light which was really fun and scary to play with. We played video games, I was much better than all the other girls but Darrow beat me by a little bit. We usually go outside but due to the cold, rainy weather we’ve been having lately we figured it would be best if we stayed inside. It's crazy to think south Florida has ugly, gloomy days but it does suck when there are days like this, especially when you actually have plans. Anyways After about an hour and a half we left to go to Christina’s house which is about ten minutes away. Then we filmed a funny video and talked about school and life, doing high-schooler things. My friendship with Christina isn’t super new but we haven’t gotten to that level of comfortability yet that most close friends have so all our conversations are fairly new and not as repetitive as my conversations with Paola since we are much closer. I got picked up by my sister about twenty-five minutes after getting to Christina’s house and got home safe. The whole day was really fun even though I didn't film, Wednesday with Paola will be great.

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